As well as enjoying a varied programme, attendees also benefitted from the valuable networking opportunities the event provided. "Captains are very much interested in expanding their knowledge. We received a lot of enthusiastic responses after the event and we know for certain that our captains are given the very 'first look' into unreleased content" says Diana Pachon, Yacht Insurance Specialist at IYC.
The seminar also provided an ideal opportunity to present an overview on IYC’s new management software, IYC BLUE, which was launched to market in November 2016. Designed by captains for captains, the development of this software was undertaken with the goal of helping to simplify yacht management processes for captains and crew.
Following another successful seminar IYC looks forward to the next one planned for 2018, which will be covering a wide range of practical topics that will support and assist industry captains. "This year we focused on what is new for the industry, specifically in the technology sector. With all of the advancements and innovations there are always untapped territories, new risks and some precautions that need to be taken, which is why we also concentrated on the topic of Cyber awareness and security" says Diana Pachon. "Our sponsors led incredible presentations and worked perfectly in sync with the theme of our forum. The objective of our Captain’s Forum is to communicate to our audience that IYC is here to serve as a vital link between our captains, clients and service providers. There is a great deal of trust bestowed upon us to connect our clients with the most trustworthy suppliers, vendors, experts, and this is one of the ways we make that introduction and establish a relationship. Once again, we are here to support our captains who are very much appreciated and considered a fundamental part in our business."
For more detailed information on the IYC Captains Seminar and agenda click here. To discuss the event or any of IYC’s range of services please contact the IYC office most convenient to you. IYC has offices in Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach, Miami, Newport, Nantucket, Great Lakes, St. Maarten, Monaco, Greece, Russia, Croatia, Montenegro, Barcelona, Scandinavia and Malta. To contact an IYC office click here.